This is the first of three articles about detoxifying vegetables. These vegetables have the privilege of eliminating the toxic substances in our body and protect it from diseases that can potentially degenerate our cells. They also contain multiple antioxidants that fights against oxidative stress. The antioxidants destroy free radicals, free electrons in our body that attack everything in sight. Our environment, the air that we breathe and the food that we eat are full of free radicals. This is why we have to eat a large quantity of these amazingly rich vegetables! In this article, we will talk about broccoli, radish and Brussels sprout, but in the next articles, we will discuss more about the other vegetables of this extraordinary family, which includes watercress, cauliflower, turnip, cabbage, arugula and curly cabbage.
Broccoli is the anti-cancerous vegetable most recommended by nutritionists and doctors. It belongs in the cruciferous family. The vegetables that are part of this family contains isothiocyanates, a powerful anti-cancer ingredient that neutralizes the carcinogens, i.e. the demons in the battle against cancer. Broccoli also contains Indol-3-carbinol, a powerful antioxidant and stimulant in the detoxifiying of enzymes. Indol-3-carbinol plays an important role in the protection of DNA structure. Also, it increases the production of good estrogen, which is very good for women. A cup of broccoli contains over 2g of protein, 2g of fiber, 288 mg of potassium, 43 mg of calcium, 81 mg of vitamin C as well as folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, beta-carotene and vitamin A!!!
The radish is a plant from the Brassicacées family. The edible part is the bulb, the white flesh with red skin. This vegetable is rich in vitamin B, C and fiber. It can be used to help as a back to shape cure. Radish acts positively on the liver and the gall bladder. It is a vegetable rich in oligo-elements and minerals. It allows remineralizing the organism rapidly. It is rich in sulphur, which is a component that stimulates the appetite and digestion.
Brussels sprout contains a chemical component called sinigrin. This component prevents the development of pre-cancerous cells. It is also the active ingredient of the Brussels sprout and is responsible for its particular odor. Research proves that an occasional meal composed of Brussels sprout can help reduce the risks of colon cancer. Brussels sprout are rich in isothiocyanates and sulforaphane, which are known components for prevention of cancerous cells spreading,
neutralizing the carcinogens and helping to detoxify the body from environmental toxins. I hope my advices will encourage you to eat more of these vegetables! I strongly advise to read the book The 150 healthiest food on earth by Jonny Bowden. This book discusses in details the benefits of 150 food that are considered the best in the world for our body. It gives advices on how to prepare them and also provide a nutritional list for each food. After reading this book, you will realize how important our diet is the key for an optimal health.
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