In today’s era, majority of the population wants things yesterday and they forget about the essentials, like sleeping. Since this is an essential factor to stay alive, I think it should be the foundation of everyone’s life. By looking over my client base, I noticed that the average sleeping time was about 6 hours. I think most people don’t remember why they were sleeping as a kid. Imagine yourself going to school 7-8 years old and sleeping only 6 hours a night, you would probably be the most retarded students of the school. Your brain and body needs about 7h 30min to 8h to function optimally.
In my opinion, sleep is one of the most powerful and underestimated tools. It’s probably due to the fact that you can still function in sleep deprivation. Living without getting the right amount of sleep is living on stress hormone or should I say on your body credit line. Your adrenal glands produce stress hormone to keep you going, but like everything in life everything that goes up must go down. After a few days or weeks on sleep deprivation, your brain will start to shutdown your optimal organs functions causing a myriad of symptoms ranging from simple headaches to big digestion problem.
I always ask my client if they had a good sleep the previous night and quit a few answers “Yes really good” so the next questions is “how many hours did you sleep?”. This is the fatal question, like I said the average goes around 6 hours. They are so use to it that for some of them, they don’t even feel the need to sleep more. When you don’t sleep properly for a long period of time your brain adapt to that condition by producing more stress hormone so you don’t even notice that your not functioning at an optimal level. You now think that it’s a normal energy level and you’re in perfect condition. But don’t get me wrong, the symptoms of sleep deprivation are still there though and then you start wondering why your muscle are so tense and your belly is bloated. Do you recognize yourself in this pattern? How many hours of straight sleep do you get?
I have good news for you, it’s preventable and curable. Here I am to help you through in the quest to have your best sleep ever. First of all, there’s different type of sleep problem. You can have problem falling a sleep or you wake up a few time a night to good to the bathroom (many of us think it’s normal) or you just simply wake up through the night and you can’t fall back asleep. In this article I will give you advice on how to fall asleep faster.
The best way to fall a sleep easily is to setup good sleep hygiene.
Here are the 4 keys to experience better sleep:
1- Relax and avoid any negative thoughts before going to bed
The basic rule regarding sleep hygiene is, start relaxing 2-3 hours before you go to bed. This mean, avoid everything that can wires you or can cause negative thoughts to manifest in your mind. For example : Watching TV, reading the newspaper, or listening to moody music. It’s of paramount importance to create a peaceful environment free of high levels of stimulus.
2- Unplug all electronic devices (alarm, cellular, TV, etc.) in your bedroom because they send a magnetic signals that disturb sleep.
Additionally, often these devices have a LED lights that the brain can perceive, even if your eyes are closed. No light at all should be entering the room. Some people are more influenced by these factors than others but it’s safer to eliminate any uncertainty. Read things that are calming, while listening to relaxing music only. For those who can’t turn their thoughts downs I have some suggestions.
3- Write down everything you have in mind on a sheet of paper.
What you have on your mind can be stored somewhere else temporarily, in order to stop thinking about it. As soon as it’s store, your brain will have an easier time to shut off and slow down the thinking process. For example, things that you haven’t done today, things to do tomorrow, people you forget to call and so on, write it down.
4- Keep a gratitude journal every night.
Write down the summary of your day; what you’re proud of, accomplished, learned and thank people for what they have done for you or for others. Doing this exercise will make you feel happy, raise positive awareness and develop strong energy in your body that will enable you to sleep better and wake up happy the next day. This is proven scientifically and mentionned in Robert A. Emmons book Thanks! How practising gratitude can make you happier. I have been doing it for 3 years and a half and I’ve experienced phenomenal results. I fall asleep in literally 2 minutes, when it use to take me between 20-40minutes.
I invite you to try to 3 advice for at least 10 days in a row. I confident that you are going to feel more energetic the next day and sleep deeper. In the next part of this article I will be treating the sleep issue in relation with the biochemistry and how to correct sleep using the right nutraceuticals. I will be more than happy to receive your feedback after the 10 days experimentation. Good night !
Axellite – global health